You’re already a pretty good writer. But the world is changing. Between generative AI and a challenging job market, the need to differentiate yourself has never been stronger. 

It’s no longer enough to just be a “good writer”—you need to be an exceptional one to bring expert-level craft to tell captivating stories, drive conversions, and prove results. 

The bright spot? AI can’t think. You can. And we’ll teach you how to think like today’s greatest marketing writers.

Reap immediate, expert-level writing benefits

Our students report:

✅ Improved writing confidence

✅ Better clarity, precision, and simplicity 

✅ More effective group editing with their teams

Take a peek

✔️ Three self-paced lessons you can easily fit into your routine.

✔️ Questions to ask while editing you'll retain for life.

✔️ Slack group to network and learn from other writerly folk.

✔️ Practical weekly exercises you can apply to your work right now.

✔️ Curated readings and examples of great writing.

✔️ A Notion toolkit with diagrams, content templates, and galleries.

✔️ A completion certificate for your LinkedIn and CV.

By the end, you'll master

Three key questions to better edit yourself and others. 

Practical exercises to get unstuck and improve your quality.

Strategies and processes for collaborating better with stakeholders and teammates (and avoiding dreaded 11th-hour edits).   

Plus, a community of like-minded writers to support your growth

You'll get to join our writing Slack group for advice, job opportunities, and to share your work. You'll also get to meet the whole Fenwick team. (Slack access is $20 per month. Buy before June and it's free.).

Why you should trust us

For ten years, the Fenwick team has been producing exceptional content that gets results for companies from Salesforce to Shopify. There’s a reason we come recommended by Bessemer Venture Partners and MKT1. 

This course is the accumulation of the knowledge we’ve gleaned from working on highly successful projects with these companies and many more. 

Enroll and begin today

To inquire about bulk discounts, reach us at [email protected].

Psst. You can easily fit it in around work

Here's the schedule:

  • Monday, read the first lesson (20 min)
  • Tuesday, read the suggested reading discuss in Slack (25 min)
  • Wednesday, apply it to your work (30 min)
  • Thursday, apply it to your work (30 min)
  • Friday, discuss in Slack (20 min)

Repeat that for a total of three weeks.